Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The many stories of Mary.. then and now..

I would like you to meet my Mother Marjorie.. She is holding a baby but for some reason she does not know who it is. I don't think it is me but she handed me this picture bacause it looked like me. I want you to take note of her hair..Her very curly hair. I can guess she was about 17 in this shot.

Here Mom is with Me ,Ken,and Keith.

Knowing how old mom was when she had us helps me know how old she is. We are seeing her at about 24 she was 20 when she had me and had 2 before me Carol and Ken, Then Me and Keith all within 4 years.

I truly do not remember when Carol and Ken had these things on, Here is Sister Carol, Brother Ken and Me Mary, and someone is holding Brother Keith. Keith was a premie when he was born, he was 3'12oz at birth and mom kept him in a drawer behind the heater to keep him warm. To give you any indacation, Keith is only 11months younger then myself look how small he is.

Now look at us at SturbridgeVillage in Massachuettes
beside the horse is My Brother Ken, in front of him is Keith, I am in the back with the hair a mess,and next to me with the scarf is sister Ramona, sister Sue is next to Keith and the other two I do not remember their names, They were friends of my parents, kids. I can tell you that was the most fun going to that village. I always wished I could go back but never did.

Life goes on and we deal with what we are given.

next is me and pics from 1968 and 1970 I went to OlanMills for the first one I was in10th to 11th grade and mom wanted a picture i guess.

Notice the difference? The second picture is my senior class picture in the yearbook. For the first time I had ever tryed to straighten my hair. I used Max factor straight set and used large rollers to help it along. After I did that I read the paper that came from the Photo people that said don't do anything to your hair because we can't do anything either. Oh dear, I am so glad it came out ok.

now comes the time I think I was getting ready for my wedding here .This is my Aunt Heaster and me in a nice yellow coat I made .I was a big sewing nut back then and made a lot of things including My Bridesmaids dresses. I do not know what ever happened to my coat.But now that I think, I lent it to a friend. Some friend I never got it back.

As much sewing as I did, I know this next dress I did not make it was a two piece and this was at my Mom and Dads 40th Wedding Anniversary in front of their house which is now my baby brothers house.

see how Pretty I look standing there smiling I really do not remember when this was

I do not want to scare you but look at that Hair Dear Lord, I did not know it was this bad and nobody bothered to say Mary pull it back or do something LOL gosh it is alwful and I will be the first to admit it. this was My Son Jarrod"s Graduation.Jarrod has his arm around me.

Although my hair is still a frieght I have a lot more control of it when I go someplace, but not at home by no means. If I have to go someplace I wet it and go with a hat on.
Unless of course it is to work then I make sure I fix it 2 hours before I go. And Now if you look at mom and the first picture you can see just where I get this mess of hair from. God love my Mother she is the sweetest little Lady.

I fianally reached the end and am so happy to be where I live now. I have the kindest man and the best family of his I have ever met. They Love me and I Love each and every one of them.

Stanley is my love and my life, I am so lucky for him.

My life goes on and so will my stories as it happens, Take care all and be well.

Loves and smiles ...Mary

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