Thursday, January 7, 2010

Whoopie Pies anyone...........

Two cups of sugar......1 Cup of Shortening.....
Cream shortening........

Add sugar to shortening.......

Cream together......

Add Eggs
2 Eggs and 2 Yolks
Once you get the eggs ready put them in Sugar mixture and cream them
By Starting to Whip them up



And of course don't trip over the dog. Jake is my kitchen buddy...

Now put the flour together. Take 5 1/2 cups of flour, add 1/2 teaspoon baking Powder, 2 teaspoon of baking soda,cinnamon ..not sure how much I use but just dump it in, maybe 2teas

Whisk it all together

Making Buttermilk or store bought either will work. I take the milk to almost 1cup and add vinegar to one cup, Then add one cup of hot water.

Buttermilk and water.....
I almost forgot the cinnamon .Oh me oh My

Now is the time to add the wet and dry ingredients together
aternating the dry and wet mixing well between each.

Now the wet and so on and so on

I can use the mixer most of the time but it gets thick and a spatula and spoon wil clean it up.

This is a good batch as long as it is thick.
Chill for about an hour
Now is the time to clean up the mess

While that is chilling you can prepare two cookie sheets, Put parchment paper on the sheets.

Using two small spoons one to scoop the other to push off batter.

With the baking powder in it they will rise. Space them apart putting about 8 per sheet.

When you put it on, it is recomended to flatten and make round by patting it in place.

Put in the oven for 10 mins...

This is about 5 mins in the oven...

They are done........... Let cool ( do not lay on the top till completly cool )

Add Iceing on the bottom of one....

Put two together making a sandwich..

Wrap them in plastic wrap one at a time...( makes great lunch snacks )

All done and looking good, Husband had two already....

Whoopie pies :
1 cup shortening
2 cups sugar
2 eggs plus 2 egg yolks
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
5 3/4 cups flour .. 5 1/2 if using cocoa
1 cup cocoa or 2 to 3 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt (optianal)
Cream shortening-add sugar and eggs. , mix dry ingrediants, put buttermik and water together, Beat while alternating wet and dry ingrediants. Drop my spoonfull onto cookie sheet with parchment paper. Bake at 375 for 10 mins. Letting cool or transfer to table to cool completly

Whoopie pie filling :

1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup shortening
dash of salt 2 cups 10 x sugar
3/4 cup of milk 2 teaspoon vanilla

Put flour and salt in sauce pan whisk in milk till smooth. Cook and stir over mediam heat 5 to 7 mins or till thick, cover and cool in refer. completley.
In a bowl cream shortening, 10x sugar, and vanilla, add chilled mixture, beat for 7 mins or til fluffy.
I hope you try this and please do enjoy... Loves ,,, Mary


Lisa said...

First of all- I love your banner- how pretty!

Second of all- it looks like your "picture" moving worked out very well! I'm proud of you being able to follow my horrible directions. They were probably clear as mud- my bad.

AND, third of all- I needed a visual on the Whoopie Pie (cinnamon ones in particular)directions. Your post was comparable to PW's cooking posts. I that is admirable, Mary! Good job!♥♥♥

WV-spiana- the name of an Italian girl. O.K. it's a stretch but try saying it out loud with an Italian accent.

Marys place said...

Thank you so much. It was PW that gave me the drive to go ahead and post. Look for others as I prepare to make other sthings like sewing and more cooking, Smiles for you...

Sarah said...

Those look absolutely delicious!!!